Friday, January 16


Brrrr. It is cold outside today. I guess most of the east coast is saying that. I wish I could also say that is was snowing a couple feet. It is not.

I made the worst cookies in the world yesterday. Seriously, I don't know that I have made something that bad in years. They were pumpkin cookies. They were awful. I really don't know what to do with them now. I don't have a dog. The kids won't eat them. It would be cruel to inflict them on anyone.

On the flip side I made some yummy bar cookie today.

I got some beautiful shots of E. and BabyChub today. M. was already at school. It was nice light though. And, no, I haven't downloaded them yet. Lazy, remember. Really, tired is what it is, but whatever.

My mom, sister and I went out last night for their birthdays. It was really great to have girl time. We had a blast even though we were the only fools at the outdoor mall on the coldest night of the year.

Ok. I think that does it for my randomness. I need to go to bed soon. I'm done tuckered out. (if only you could hear me laughing right now. I crack me up.....sorry.)

1 comment:

  1. Hey cutie. Check in on my blog today. There is a post there just for you.
    Hope you are doing well and you got some rest last night. I will send you our snow.
