No long post here. I am just so amazingly grateful that 2008 is history. Perhaps I will share more of the craptacularness that embodied the entire year for the whole one of you who may eventually read this. Not today. Today I will just say yeah, it is a new year. Thank God. No. Really. Thank you God. I am grateful to have made it through.
I guess I should write some goals or resolutions or something. Very trite, I know. I'm ok with that. I'm old enough to know I don't do resolutions. I know I have a thousand things I want to do and learn and be and I might as well just start. I guess that is what this is. I have been horrible at keeping up with the kid's milestones and funny stories. Perhaps this will help them to be able to look back and have some...memories and photos and thoughts from me. When they are old enough to care. So that is my goal with this whole blogging thing. To have something a bit more tangible on 'paper'.
There are many other things I hope for this year. I'm not sure if I should document them here. Some are silly or mundane. Some are personal. Some are downright pathetic. I'm sure I could make flylady cry. I've moved on. Well, for posterity, here are a few:
- Take more photos and get better at it
- Go on several hikes
- Get on top of our finances
- Start a business from home (???see above???)
- teach the kids how to take better care of their things
- take the kids to DC and the beach
- Be a better wife, mother, friend, person
- Mostly, I want to see God redeem my marriage into something it has never been. I want to see Him bring beauty from the ashes I am sitting in. I want to see healing of so many hurts and too much pain. I want to see change and bring Him praise and honor, even in this valley of darkness.
Ok. So, all that seems too lofty for me. Perhaps I haven't learned well enough yet about resolutions. But it is a new year. A fresh start. Or at least a new number on the calendar. And for that, I am very, very grateful.
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